Your Ultimate Resource to

Renovate Your Life and Manifest Abundance Through the Art of Interior Design

Unlock the Power of Manifestation Through Interior Design, The Ultimate Guide to Your Abundant Life.

This comprehensive online course is designed to help you align your environment with your desires, so you can effortlessly attract the life you've always dreamed of.

Introducing The Guide to Living in Abundance
– A Comprehensive Online Course to Align Your Space and Supercharge Your Manifestations

This isn’t just another manifestation course or design tutorial—it’s a proven system that merges the power of interior design with the art of manifestation to help you bring your desires to life, effortlessly.


Why You Need This Course:

You’re already familiar with the Law of Attraction, and you believe deeply in your ability to manifest the life you desire. But there’s something missing—a tangible, actionable way to take your manifesting to the next level.

THE GUIDE is your missing piece.

It’s not just about affirmations and vision boards. It’s about bringing your space into alignment with your desires, so the energy of your home works with you, not against you.

Tara -

“I found my soulmate!”

"The Guide to Living in Abundance completely transformed my life! It helped me silence the negative thoughts that were holding me back and turned my dull bedroom into a beautiful love nest. Within a year of finishing the course, I met and married my soulmate. This is about way more than just home design—it’s changing your life."


“Checks Started Appearing In The Mailbox!”

"After I started using The Guide to Living in Abundance, everything changed. Checks started showing up from out of nowhere in my mailbox, and before I knew it, I moved into a new home I’d only dreamed of. To top it off, my career took off! It felt like everything I had been hoping for just fell into place."


“Two of my medical bills were paid in full!”

"I haven’t felt this good in years! Out of nowhere, two of my medical bills were paid off, completely unexpected! The relief and peace I feel are indescribable. Thank you, Nancy, for this life-changing guide!"

Here’s How It Works:

Align Your Environment, Align Your Energy: When your home is in sync with your desires, manifestation becomes effortless. Imagine walking into a space that reflects your intentions, feels energetically aligned, and helps you feel supported and powerful every day.

It’s Personal, Not Trendy: Unlike rigid systems like Feng Shui, The Guide to Living in Abundance gives you the freedom to create a space that aligns with YOU. No following complex rules or cardinal directions—this is about crafting a space that makes you feel expansive, abundant, and aligned.

Mindset + Design = Total Alignment: This course combines mindset principles with actionable design strategies, so you can consciously create a home that feels just as good as it looks. It's about creating an environment where manifesting becomes second nature.

Why It’s Easier Than You Think:

You don’t need a complete home overhaul or a massive budget to make these changes. Sometimes, all it takes is something as simple as switching up your decor, adding a new piece, or changing the colors in your bedroom to shift the energy and bring your desires closer.

This course is perfect for YOU if:

  • You’re established in your life but craving more—more abundance, more love, more success.

  • You believe in manifestation and the Law of Attraction, but you’re ready to take it to the next level.

  • You know you deserve to live in abundance and are willing to invest in your growth.

  • You have an interest in design and are curious about how your home can support your manifesting journey.

  • You’ve tried traditional manifesting tools but are ready to explore a new, tangible approach that works.

Why Now Is the Time to Take Action:

If you’ve been feeling stuck, like you’re so close to manifesting what you want but not quite there, this is your missing piece. Your environment plays a huge role in your ability to manifest, and when your space is in alignment with your desires, the rest falls into place effortlessly.

What You’ll Get Inside the Course:

A Solid Foundation in Mindset: Before you design your space, you’ll start with the basics of manifestation and mindset, ensuring your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are in full alignment with what you want to manifest.

Easy-to-Implement Design Strategies: Learn simple, powerful ways to design your space to support your goals—without spending a fortune. Whether it’s choosing the right decor, changing up your color palette, or strategically decluttering, you’ll know exactly how to create a space that amplifies your manifestations.

Personalized Approach: You’re not following a one-size-fits-all system. This course helps you design a space that feels right for YOU, reflecting your unique energy and desires.

What You’ll Get Inside the Course:

A Solid Foundation in Mindset: Before you design your space, you’ll start with the basics of manifestation and mindset, ensuring your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are in full alignment with what you want to manifest.

Easy-to-Implement Design Strategies: Learn simple, powerful ways to design your space to support your goals—without spending a fortune. Whether it’s choosing the right decor, changing up your color palette, or strategically decluttering, you’ll know exactly how to create a space that amplifies your manifestations.

Personalized Approach: You’re not following a one-size-fits-all system. This course helps you design a space that feels right for YOU, reflecting your unique energy and desires.

Join Today and Start Manifesting with Ease!

This isn’t just about redesigning your home. It’s about redesigning your life. You’ve already done the inner work—now it’s time to let your environment do the rest.

BONUS: Money Magnet Freebie

When you join the course today, you’ll get access to our Money Magnet freebie to kickstart your journey. Plus, don’t miss our Declutter Challenge, designed to help you clear out stagnant energy and make space for abundance.

8 In-Depth Video Modules: Dive deep into each Key and Element with detailed lessons that are easy to follow and apply (VALUE $1999)
Interactive Workbooks: Practical exercises and reflections help you implement what you’ve learned and see real results in your home and life. (Value: $250)
Exclusive Community Access: Connect with like-minded individuals, share your progress, and stay motivated with our private, members-only community. (Value: $250)
BONUS Materials: Cheat sheets using color and aromatherapy to manifest love, money, peace, and creativity.
Lifetime Access: Revisit the content anytime you need a refresh or want to take your manifestation journey even further.

Don’t wait—your dream life is waiting for you, and it starts with aligning your home to match the life you want to create.

Sign up for The Guide to Living in Abundance and unlock the true potential of manifestation through the power of interior design.

Value $2999
Regular Price $444

Limited Price $222

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Meet Your Manifestation & Design Mentor

Typical of a lot of creatives, I was raised in an environment of significant dysfunction.

I really didn’t fit in. You wouldn’t know it by looking at me, but I am an ADHD dyslexic who has struggled with drugs in the past, and life in general! To put it lightly, I used to be a trainwreck. But thankfully, that wasn’t the end of my story.

I eventually discovered the Law of Attraction (LOA) and interior design at about the same time. As I worked the LOA principles in my own life, I was simultaneously working with other people to help create their dream homes. That’s when I recognized what a deeply emotional process design was for most people. Typically my clients were full of fears, doubts, and skewed or distorted expectations.

I wondered if I could use what I was learning through the LOA and combine it with what I was experiencing in my design world. They seemed obviously connected to me.

I started experimenting and began incorporating my LOA practice into my design work. I was designing with deliberate intention. It was stunning to see how small changes to the environment could make huge shifts in personal growth. It was like my own kind of Feng Shui, but much, much easier!

I wanted to find a way to empower as many people as possible and to allow them to do this work themselves. And the rest is history! That’s when I began writing THE GUIDE TO LIVING IN ABUNDANCE, a self-guided step-by-step course that helps people become their highest and best selves, in beautiful ways.

All the best, all the time,

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • A: Absolutely! No matter the size of your space, this guide will help you transform your space to align with your goals.

  • A: No! The beauty of this guide is that you’ll learn how small, intentional changes can make a big impact – without needing to invest heavily.

  • A: No remodel required! This guide focuses on simple, effective shifts that you can implement immediately without overhauling your entire home.

  • A: Not at all! Nancy teaches easy-to-follow design techniques that anyone can apply to their home, regardless of experience.

  • A: It’s easier! Feng Shui follows ancient rules for arranging spaces, while this approach focuses on aligning your space with your personal desires and manifestation goals. It's all about creating a space that aligns with the energy of your intentions.


Don’t let another day go by in a space that doesn’t reflect your highest self. get the guide and create the powerful, vibrant life you deserve.